Off Hours
Off Hours jobs allow you to Stop and Start instances and databases during nigh hours and weekends. This is ideal for Development and R&D resources.
How to Create Off-Hours Automation
Step 1: Access Off Hours Section
Go to the 'Off Hours' tab and select "CREATE OFF HOURS."
Step 2: Select Environment
Name your Off Hours workflow
Next, choose the cloud provider (Azure, GCP, or AWS) for your workflow's execution.
Please note that you can select only one cloud provider per Off Hours task
Step 3: Choose Accounts and Regions
Select the specific account(s) and region(s) you want to manage within your chosen cloud provider.
Step 4: Select Services and Set Filters
Currently supported services for each cloud provider:
- AWS: EC2 Instances, RDS Databases
- Azure: Virtual Machines
- GCP: Virtual Machines, SQL Databases
Choose the services to apply off-hours settings. To set up the schedule, you must add at least one filter. For example, you can create off-hours for AWS RDS databases with a launch time greater than 7 days. Upon setting your filter, the number of resources found by Cloudchipr based on your criteria will be displayed. Click on the 'Found Resources' tab for more details.
Step 5: Notification Method
Select your preferred notification method (Email, Slack, Webhook) and define the minimum cost threshold for receiving alerts.
For instructions on configuring your preferred notification method, refer to our Integrations page.
Step 6: Schedule Your Off Hours
Specify when you want to start or stop your instances. Options include Daily, Weekly, or Once. Don't forget to set your desired Time Zone.
Step 7: Review and Confirm
The final step is a preview page where you can review your selected actions and services before final confirmation.
Updated 7 months ago