

With Cloudchipr, setting a budget for a given Scope and configuring budgeting alerts is super simple.

1. Create Budget

-Type the budget name.

-Select the budget scope. The budget is scoped to a specific Resource Explorer view. When creating a budget for the first time, the All Resources view is selected as budget scope by default.

Each Resource Explorer view can serve as a scope for one budget.

In case there is not an available view, you can not create the budget.

-Select the budget period for tracking costs. You can create a budget for a daily, monthly, quarterly, or annual period. The default period is Monthly.

The cost evaluated by the budget starts at zero at the beginning of each new period. When you create a quarterly budget, it works in the same way as a monthly budget. The difference is that the budget amount for the quarter is evenly divided among the three months of the quarter. An annual budget amount is evenly divided among all 12 months of the calendar year.

Based on the fields chosen in the budget so far, a graph is shown to help you select an amount for your budget.

2. Set Notification

Budgets require at least one cost threshold (% of budget). Under Threshold, enter the percent of the budget at which you want an alert triggered. The corresponding spend Amount is filled in automatically. (Alternatively, you can enter the Amount and the Threshold is calculated automatically.)

For example, say you have a budget of $120.000. To be notified at $108.000 (90% of your budget), enter $108.000 for a budget amount or 90 for a percentage budget.

You can optionally include up to ten thresholds.

Under Trigger, select either Actual or Forecasted.

  • Actual cost threshold rules send notifications when the cumulative cost during the budget period exceeds the specified threshold amount. For instance, if you set a 50% actual spend alert on a $100 budget, you'll receive an alert when you've spent $50 in the budget period.
  • Forecasted cost threshold rules send notifications when the forecasted cost (projected until the end of the current calendar budget period) surpasses the set threshold. For example, if you set a 110% forecasted cost alert on a $100 budget, you'll receive an alert when the forecast indicates spending more than $110 by the end of the budget calendar period.

Under Notification preferences, add the notification method that you want the alert to notify. You can use email addresses and integration methods to be notified.

You can select integration methods or enter custom emails for notification as well.

3. Preview Budget

Review your budget settings, and then click on Create.

View budgets

You can view the list of all your budgets on the Budgets page.

Edit the budget

Follow the following steps to edit a budget.

  • On the navigation pane, choose Budgets.
  • On the Budgets page, choose the budget you want to edit.
  • Click the Budget name to open the budget for editing (or select **Edit** from the budget actions list).
  • Change the parameters that you want to edit.
  • When you are finished with your modifications, click Save.